Join Sandy Collier & Barb Schulte
in Powell Butte, Oregon,
September 30th - October 2nd, 2025
Learn what It takes for both YOU & YOUR HORSE to be SUCCESSFUL
in the Show Pen during an all NEW clinic experience...
show - work on skills - plan for success!

Discover details that make the difference from the judge's point of view.

Establish a baseline for yourself and your horse.
Build your skills according to your own scorecard.
Cutters may choose to stay in the cutting pen for the weekend if they like. 

Overcome nerves. Learn and practice the mental skills of world-class competitors. 

Focus. Execute a showing plan that presents the best of you & your horse in the pen. 

Design a plan for both you and your horse to continue moving forward after the clinic to keep improving your showmanship.  

Brasada Guest Ranch Powell Butte, OR
Tues - Thurs, Sept 30 - Oct 2, 2025  

During this 3-Day Clinic, You will:

Discover the mental skills of calmness,
focus and confidence necessary to consistently ride at your personal best.

  • Take control of your nerves. 
  • Consistently perform at the top of your abilities in the show pen.  
  • Plan your rides and integrate new mental tools into each piece of your ride.  
  • Be comfortable and focused in front of others.
  • Develop showmanship.

Increase your ability
to work and control cattle in cutting or reined cow horse events.

  • Learn how to read cattle.
  • Learn how to rate, drive and control cattle.
  • Learn how to describe cattle.  
  • Learn how to position your horse for the cut.  
  • Learn how to drive out.
  • Learn how to work a cow correctly and accurately. 
  • Increase your ability to stop, spin, change leads.  

Focus on the skills YOU want to learn at this time in your riding journey:

Choose a Cutting Track or a Reined Cow Horse Track. You Decide.  

  • If you choose a cutting track you will work with Barb primarily.  
  • If you choose a reined cow horse track, you will work primarily with Sandy, and you will also work with Barb in the cutting pen.

Curious what will be covered when you work with

Barb and Sandy?

(Anyone who chooses the reined cow horse track will also work with Barb in the cutting pen.)

When you work with Barb on your cutting you will...

  • Improve your seat, balance and cueing.  
  • Use your feet more effectively.
  • Discover how to build a run instead of surviving it.  
  • Design a herdwork plan to be focused, calm and ready prior to your run. 
  • Make beautiful cuts.  
  • Improve your accuracy for working a cow.

If you choose the reined cow horse track, you will also learn skills for:

  • Stops
  • Spins  
  • Lead changes  
  • Circles 
  • Roll backs
  • Transitions

And whether you box,
box-drive-box, or
go down the fence...

  • You'll learn how to box a cow with effective angles, accuracy, and control.  
  • If you box-drive-box, learn how and when to drive a cow begin down the fence, rate it accurately and then box it at the other end.  
  • If you go down the fence, learn the secrets for a credit turn and how to time controlling and circling a cow.

I absolutely LOVED the clinic I attended. You both do an amazing job delivering information to, and dealing with, a group with varied backgrounds and levels of experience and training.  

Things I loved:  

  • Very organized  
  • Both of you are great teachers  
  • Everyone got individual time and information/work delivered at their level
  • A nice facility was chosen/ good cattle  
  • Positive, patient and kind attitude started at the top and the entire group held to this  
  • I felt I had a good value for the money I spent to participate

Things I didn’t like:   (blank)  
- Debra Z

"We had our first show after our amazing clinic! We were confident, focused , relaxed and sitting deep! Whoooo! The show was great! I experienced peace, calm and focus for the first time in 5 years! No big nerves, Thanks to the clinic! I was focused on all the great things I learned! Thanks to you both!"
~ DP

"I just returned home from the first show since the clinic and I wanted to share the success story - I rode in one class each of 3 days and got both lead changes all 3 days! ... But I am here before you so very grateful for your time and patience and encouragement and, and, and..... the list goes on ... Cant thank you enough and wanted to share!" ~ SH

Tuesday Workshop, Sept 30, 2025
10:00-5:00 in the cantina

Sandy and Barb will show you how to increase your score in cutting/herd work, boxing, fence, reining.

The Workshop includes a take-home workbook for taking notes.  

1. Sandy, a world-class AAAA rated NRCHA judge, will share the judge's perspective for boxing, fence, and reining.

  • Know what the judge is looking for in each event.
  • Watch videos of multiple runs and how they were scored to understand what causes a score to go up or down.
  • Discover 3 tips you can do immediately to elevate your score for each discipline.

2. Barb will share the judge's perspective for cutting/herd work.

  • Know what the judge is looking for.
  • Watch videos of both herdwork and cutting to understand what factors cause a score to go up or down. 
  • Learn 3 tips you can do immediately to elevate your score.

3. Barb, a world-class high-performance coach, will share thinking and physical tools to help you perform at your highest level under pressure.

  • Transform nerves and the fear of what others think into calmness, focus, confidence, and connection with your horse.
  • Discover how to design your pre-ride and horse's pre-ride rituals and why they matter.
  • Learn how to stay grounded and focused throughout your run.


Mental Skills:
for confidence, focus, calmness

Judge's Perspective:
What the judge looks for

Presenting a beautiful picture
in the arena

Wednesday and Thursday, Oct 1 & 2, 2025

Wednesday 8:00-5:00

  • Create specifically designed practice sessions to prepare for showing.
  • If you prefer to do only cutting/herdwork, you will not rotate between groups.
  • Focus on cow work with Barb ... flag work, making cuts, understanding cow behavior and how to control a cow, studying cattle & working out of the herd, and showmanship. 
  • Focus on reined work (stops, spins, lead changes) and boxing/fence work with Sandy.  

Thursday 8:00-4:00

  • Continue to advance your skills in the herd with Barb and reined work/fence/box/ box-drive-box with Sandy (cutters will not rotate)
  • Create a plan to continue developing your showing skills after the clinic.  


Tuesday Workshop and Workbook

Wednesday and Thursday Riding sessions


Stall(s) and shavings for your horse(s) … Stalls: $20/night, Shavings: $10/bag 

You can make stall reservations directly with Kerri Jo Talburt at (541) 980-7911 one month prior to the clinic.  

Feed for your horse(s)

Your lodging is not included in your clinic fee. You are responsible to make lodging reservations at the hotel of your choice or make RV/LQ and stall reservations directly with Kerri Jo Talburt at (541) 980-7911 at least one month prior to the clinic.  


$195 per day ... $295 for all 3 days

Includes lunch and Dinner on Tues. and Wed. and Lunch on Thurs.


You ride and show in Cutting, Cow Horse or Ranch Cutting horses.  

You have a trained or very well started reined cow, cutting, or ranch versatility horse.

You love to learn. You love to compete. 

You like to have FUN!

We welcome all skill levels.

This clinic is not for you if your your horse has not had some training in a cattle work discipline. However, your horse does not have to be finished.


"Thank you so much for such an awesome clinic. I'm so excited, grateful and happy about what we got done ... I really admire what you can get done with every horse and rider ... and how many approaches you each have for each problem." ~SB

"You are both are tremendous clinicians. The knowledge and techniques you presented at the clinic just added countless 'layers' to my learning curve. I can't thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to experience so much enjoyment and extraordinary wisdom." ~BC 

"I just want to say how much I enjoyed this clinic. I left with such great new information that trickles over into all I do. You two are a dynamic duo of teaching and encouragement." ~MU

THANK YOU to both of you Barbra Schulte and Sandy Collier for sharing your wisdom with us and helping us be truly confident cowgirls!!" ~PF

Schedule of Events and FAQs

For Monday Arrival, Sept, 29. Please advise KerriJo of your arrival time by text at (541) 980-7911 as the gate to the horse facility is kept locked until Tuesday.

For Tuesday Morning Arrivals: Please arrive early enough to get your horses settled in and your trailer unhooked, and meet to start the Workshop promptly at 10:00 AM.  

10:00 am – 5:00 pm - Classroom Workshop to cover fundamentals for mental skills, understanding cattle, the judge's perspective, and showmanship. It includes a workbook to take home.  

5:30 - Feed, rest and socialize  

6:30 - Enjoy dinner with everyone 

Daily Riding Schedule 

Tuesday Workshop Sept 30, 10:00-5:00

Wed. and Thurs., Oct. 1st & 2nd  

8:00 - Meet in the arena to start the day

8:15 - 9:45 - Ride with Sandy or Barb

10:00 - 11:30 - Ride with Sandy or Barb

Noon - Lunch + Q&A

1:00 - 2:45 - Ride with Sandy or Barb

3:00 - 4:45 - Ride with Sandy or Barb

5:30 - 6:30 - Appetizers and social hour

6:30 - Dinner followed by daily debrief & Q&A  

Note: Departure on Thursday by 4:00 PM


RV or LQ hookups are $25 and can be booked one month in advance through Kerri Jo Talburt. Phone her directly at 541-980-7911. RV spaces and stalls are located in close proximity to each other.

STALL(S) are available for $20/night; shavings are $10/bag. Arrangements for stalls are available one month in advance through Kerri Jo also. Phone her directly at 541- 980-7911.  


All riding sessions will have a small group of 11 people or fewer. 

Our maximum number of riders will be 22. You will always ride in a small group. 

Registration will be first come first serve when we receive your deposit. We will send an email to you to confirm your spot once we receive your deposit and registration form.  


Please Note: If you cancel, the amount paid to date will be refunded only if we can fill your spot. "Fill your spot" will be determined after the event (due to unpredictable last-minute cancellations). If your payment is not refunded, you may apply that amount to a future BeUnstoppable event within one year. In the case of last-minute cancellations and no-shows, cattle, meals, and any hard costs we cannot recover will be deducted from your credit.


Please feel free to contact us in the office: 979-277-9344, or you can email us at: or Jana at


*Please note, your upon payment for your registration, you will receive an email with your confirmation and a link to our registration form. You are not fully registered until the form is completed.*

New to Barb and Sandy's Events, 2-Pay Option


Due Now: $730

Due in 30 Days: $730


Best Value for Those New to Our Events

1st-time riding participants, pay in full when you register and save.



Returning Clinic Participants
2-Pay Option

A "Returning" BeUnstoppable Participant has attended a clinic or retreat Barb and Sandy hosted together.

Due Now: $700

Due in 30 Days: $700


Returning Clinic Participants


A "Returning" BeUnstoppable Participant has attended a clinic or retreat Barb and Sandy hosted together.


Classroom Workshop

Your fee includes the Workshop on Tuesday, lunch and dinner.


Audit the Full Clinic
(All 3 days) 

Limited spectator spots are available.
Fee includes all sessions and meals.



CANCELLATION POLICY - Important information
If you cancel, the amount paid to date will be refunded only if we can fill your spot. "Fill your spot" will be determined after the event (due to unpredictable last-minute cancellations). If your payment is not refunded, you may apply that amount to a future BeUnstoppable event within one year. In the case of last-minute cancellations and no-shows, cattle, meals, and any hard costs we cannot recover will be deducted from your credit.

Your event fee does not cover your room. Lodging at Brasada Guest Ranch (or wherever you like) ... or... RV or LQ hookups are available at the horse facility. You will make RV/LQ reservations directly with Kerri Jo Talburt at (541) 980-7911 one month prior to the clinic. You may check local hotels in the area as well. Barb and Sandy will be staying at The Comfort Inn

It does not cover a stall and shavings if you bring your own horse. The stalls are $20 per night and shavings are $10/bag. Stall reservations can be made by contacting Kerri Jo Talburt at 541-980-7911.

 If you have more questions, don't hesitate to send an email to us at  

We will send updates to you as the time for this clinic draws closer. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Brasada Ranch. 

THANK YOU, Barbra and Sandy